Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

The Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Methods and Technologies (JEEEMT) provides high quality research and review papers in different branches of electrical and electronic engineering with an eye to the following main topics: analog and digital circuits (ICS), antenna design and wave propagation theories and applications, artificial intelligent and smart methods, communication of electrical and optical signals, communication systems and protocols, complex adaptive and fuzzy signals and systems, monitoring of events and technology of instrumentation, control engineering, hardware implementation, digital array gates, power generation, transmission engineering, and many more interdisciplinary materials related to EEE.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

Paper Submission

The papers can be sent in the form of MS Word, Latex, or even PDF, however, the final file cannot be PDF for possible editing procedures needed before publication and verification by the journal. The templates are available here:

1-      Latex

2-      MS Word

The publication process therefore consisted of the following steps:

Step 1: Check for Scope

The paper is checked for ensuring the validity of submission based on scope of the chosen journal which reduces the time of reviewing by selecting appropriate reviews for the work. 

Step 2: plagiarism Check

Plagiarism checks are applied on every single submitted paper to make sure that the paper has not been published even partially by the author somewhere else. This is also for testing the quality of the paper by measuring the novelty of text structures provided by the authors.

Step 3: Peer Review

The reviewers assigned to the work based on the journal and the keywords of the paper do their best to evaluate the values of the manuscript in order for the quality publication of the upcoming issues.

Step 4: Acceptance or Rejection

The final decision usually is made in less than one month to save time for both the authors the reviewers by asking the author to either resubmit the manuscript with a minor/major revision or submit to other journals.

Special issues

Sometimes special issues are published in journals based on the educational calendar, some events, and conferences for the purpose of compiling the existed unpublished material into the archive of the journals. This is announced in each journal main page and can even be ignored if the number of papers published in each issue has a good value.


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

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